Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Landscaping Means "Almost Done"

This afternoon I got my weekly update from the PM and it simply said  " See you on Friday".  To me that says they will be finished on time for the Walk-Thru. Now that is the confidence I like to see from my PMs. I saw the plumbers working in the house finishing up doing what they do. Appliances look to be in place from what I was able to see peaking in the windows this evenings drive by. Protective plastic wrap was removed from the carpet and floors. I feel like the house is almost done. The Landscapers planted some bushes, shrubs and a tree in my front yard. They still need to lay some seed and hay...Other than that, what else is there left?

Need a mail box, front door needs painting and Guardian needs to come back I think and put a cover plate for a future wireless radio and speakers. I'm sure there is probably some drywall needing some TLC to fix holes and no doubt trim and a good cleaning is in order.

Now anyone who follows this blog and my take on trees knows that I fancy flowering trees. The tree I got was a Honey Locust. Not sure how I feel about it yet. I mean, that tree gets kinda big.  I really had my heart set on a cherry, dogwood or red bud. I am hoping they give us another flowering tree for the side of the house.

After shrubs planted 

One more week and I will be doing my Carlton Dance...maybe this how I act after settlement


  1. Love the shrubs! I'm so excited for you guys! A friend I met who is building in our sub is closing next week. She sent me a pic of the house with sod and all the landscaping done. She said the same thing, "sod means it's time..." Lol!

    1. I can't wait to see progress on ya'lls house. I hope you don't have permit issues like we did initially.
